Jep, tuossahan tuo on kerrottu.
Having the shifter move around, especially in 5th gear, or popping out of gear (even once or twice) could be an indication of a loose retaining nut inside the transmission. Several 1G DSMers have had the rotten experience of having this nut come off completely, and consequently blasting a hole in their transmission. This problem only affects FIFTH gear - gears 1 through 4 and reverse do not appear to suffer from this difficulty.
Ja ainakin jenkkien 92/93 16V 2.0 galantissa on sama F5M31 laatikko mutta eri välityksillä. Näistä suomen versioista en osaa sanoa mikä niissä on. Pitäisi jostain romikselta käydä kyselemässä..